
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Cheryl Fergison Talks Weight,Family & Love

Cheryl Fergison has said that her husband Yassine Al-Jermoni would never put pressure on her to lose weight.

The actress, who recently departed her role as EastEnders' Heather Trott, was the first in a series of former soap stars to join ITV1's Loose Women as an honorary panel member this afternoon. 

Speaking about her husband's view on her weight, Fergison said that he "doesn't mind" as long as she is "happy [and] healthy". 

"He isn't going to turn round to me and say, 'Do you know what, you should lose weight," she said. "He married me for who I am, and what I am - and that to me is very important.

"If I go up or down, you know we all go up and down. It's fantastic that he's supportive whatever I feel. I've got no willpower. I'm terrible, not a single piece of willpower. It's like there's a plate... and the plate's gone."

She continued: "I think what happens today is we beat ourselves up too much for things. We are surrounded by people saying we should do this, do that and the other. I've always been the same size. When I was aged 9 I was wearing a bra. I was a big girl at school. I've always been 

"In my husband's culture, It's like nobody cares what you look like as long as you're happy and healthy. Yas is from Morocco. Everybody eats together, there's one massive big pot. A big couscous pot and we're all in it and all out of it. I am happy."

On her marriage to Al-Jermoni, the 48-year-old laughed about press coverage of their relationship: "Apparently I was married to a goat herder. Goat's milk - nice but not in my house! 

"Culturally over there, there's nothing about whether you've got loads of money or not, it's for love. It's family orientated. No-one worries about our age difference. They know it's about our hearts and what we believe and our faith and everything like that."

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